Saturday 31 October 2009

examples of buisness

here are some websites that utilise web 2.0 to make profit. some of them fit into niches like escapist magazine and so sell advertising space which they use to fund the better than average quality videos on the website as well as making profit on the side. some are simple webcomics which sell products such as T shirts and hardback copies of the books like dr mcninja

Thursday 22 October 2009

cash in hand

as is natural whenver new technology appears, one of the first things people do is find a way to make money off of it. popular meems and blogs are selling advertising space and making the owners of the sites a tidy profit.

question time

a wonderful example of web 2.0 has just occured and proves its power that has grown within society. through use of BBC iplayer and instant messeging on the website of the BBC people have been able to send in questions for the political answer show Question Time with the added result of making a one Nick Griffin and his party look immensly foolish. this is a testament to the power that web 2.0 has gotten as well as how advanced it has become and the sheer scale of importance it is gaining.

Sunday 18 October 2009

TV on PC an example of media convergence cause by web 2.0

television companys have in the past year started to attempt to counter the piracy of their television shows through posting their shows on their website. this counters the piracy by posting their own shows on their webistes and putting in advertisements during the shows.

Monday 5 October 2009


remix culture

remix culture is a term used to refer to products of web 2.0 which contain (as the name implies) a mixture of two or more different media products (often songs). it is done often as it does not require any original material from the creator. it is also a term that has been adopted within the law when refferencing cases of licensing dispute and royalty claims as well as being used within the music industry by artists not talented enough to actually create anything of worth (kanye west for example)